Here are a few FREE patterns that you may have for your personal use just to say thank you for stopping by!
They are also a great way of seeing just how the download process from my little store goes!
IF, you decide to create an account, any patterns you purchase including FREE patterns will be saved as long as my store exists! I offer free storage of your purchased patterns at no charge as a simple way of keeping your purchased patterns handy, just in case you should ever need to download them again!!
Of course re-downloading of your previously purchased patterns is also free!
PLEASE NOTE! When checking out, IF you are a guest (have no existing account) and IF you only have FREE patterns in your cart, the PayPal button at check out will not work because of the zero total. You will need to click the "Secure Checkout" button and then input your information for checkout. Then, Click the "Secure Checkout" button again to complete the purchase!
There will not be anywhere to input any payment information so it looks kinda strange... This is usually only true when your basket contains all FREE items! You also have the option (near your email information) to click the box to say Yes or No to creating an account. It is NOT required that you sign up for an account to receive FREE patterns, however without an account they can not be saved for you!
I hope that you enjoy all of the patterns and the site!
FREE Gay Pride PDF Pattern
Love Rose PDF Pen Pattern
Penguin PDF Bead Ring Pattern
FREE Bible PDF Bead Pattern
We Unite BLM PDF Bead Pattern
FREE Santa Hat Pen Pattern